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DIGITOUR project will provide financial and non-financial support to at least 138 tourism enterprises from 12 countries.

DIGITOUR project will provide financial and non-financial support to at least 138 tourism enterprises from 12 countries.

On 25th February 2022, in the frame of a press conference held in the head office Venetian Cluster in Via Roma 291, 30038 Spinea (VE), in the presence of international cluster organisations, local and regional media, Gian Angelo Bellati, the president of Venetian Cluster outlined the main objectives of DIGITOUR project “Boosting the tourism sectorRead more about DIGITOUR project will provide financial and non-financial support to at least 138 tourism enterprises from 12 countries.[…]

The demonstration project for the use of fully autonomous drones in security CBRNe applications was launched at the end of 2020

The demonstration project for the use of fully autonomous drones in security CBRNe applications was launched at the end of 2020

The Czech-Polish consortium of companies, led by BizGarden s.r.o., signed an agreement with the European Space Agency with the support of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic. It thus supported the practical application of satellite signal systems for the investigation, detection and monitoring of CBRNe threats (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats) and,Read more about The demonstration project for the use of fully autonomous drones in security CBRNe applications was launched at the end of 2020[…]



  Introduction: THINGS + project THINGS+ – Introducing service innovation into product-based manufacturing companies is a project financed under the second call of INTERREG Central Europe Programme 2014-2020 with the aim of improving CE entrepreneurs’ innovation management capacities, thus helping firms to cope with changing market forces is the project main objective. Global trends show thatRead more about SECOND CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST[…]

Call for expression of Interest

Call for expression of Interest

  Introduction: THINGS + project THINGS+ – Introducing service innovation into product-based manufacturing companies is a project financed under the second call of INTERREG Central Europe Programme 2014-2020 with the aim of improving CE entrepreneurs’ innovation management capacities, thus helping firms to cope with changing market forces is the project main objective. Global trends showRead more about Call for expression of Interest[…]

Open Call for participation in the pilot project of THINGS+ the Service Innovation Opportunity for SMEs

Open Call for participation in the pilot project of THINGS+ the Service Innovation Opportunity for SMEs

Updated Second call for expresion of interest is open untill the end of February 2019. Who are we looking for? Small and medium-size companies with interest to grow and develop a new business approach by using modern innovation techniques. What do we offer? We offer training and consultancy in the field of service innovation inRead more about Open Call for participation in the pilot project of THINGS+ the Service Innovation Opportunity for SMEs[…]



The European Consortium CULTWAYS (Cultural tourism ways through mobile applications and services), is pleased to invite you to the workshop CULTURAL TOURISM AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES. Date: 16th October Place: Rovereto, Italy In the morning there will be a round table with representatives of European and National Institutions discussing on the main achievements and perspectives ofRead more about CULTURAL TOURISM AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES Workshop[…]

EMMIA Case Study – Estonian Interviews

EMMIA Case Study – Estonian Interviews

EMMIA PLP Team is working on project study in selected regions, which represent valuable examples of good practice for other EU regions in support of Mobile industry and Mobile Services industry. The aim of developing more sustainable solutions in the field of mobility supported by mobile services is a strategic initiative of EMMIA. Particular taskRead more about EMMIA Case Study – Estonian Interviews[…]

ESA Call for Ideas on ARTES 3-4 Satcom Applications May 2013

ESA Call for Ideas on ARTES 3-4 Satcom Applications May 2013

The ARTES 3-4 Satcom Applications programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) is inviting public and commercial organisations to propose ideas, suggestions and business innovations for space-based applications and services related to satellite communications addressing European and Global market segments. The aim is to generate ideas that will improve business performance and operations, help enforceRead more about ESA Call for Ideas on ARTES 3-4 Satcom Applications May 2013[…]