The European Mobile and Mobility Industries Alliance (EMMIA) follows the innovation policy frame set by the European Commission’s Innovation Union flagship and is a strategic initiative bringing together policy makers and industry representatives as announced in An Integrated Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era flagship.
Galileo and EGNOS, European own Global Navigation Satellite Systems which are currently European biggest joint technology projects – the one is planned to be operable in 2014 and the other is already operable and certified – will help to support the accuracy, the reliability and variety of location-based services offered worldwide, services that are at the centre of the European Mobile and Mobility Industries Alliance.
The European Mobile and Mobility Industries Alliance (EMMIA) brings together regional and national policy makers and practitioners at European level with the aim of developing more sustainable solutions in the field of mobility supported by mobile services, through better use of current and planned initiatives and enhancing transnational cooperation in this field. The Alliance comprises a Policy Learning Platform and 5 pilot actions in the areas of large-scale demonstrators in support of sustainable tourism in rural areas and access to finance as well as an action to improve the interoperability of mobile services. It is expected to mobilise additional public and private funding of €30 Mio in support of mobile and mobility industries. Altogether, 31 organisations from 14 European countries and 4 European organisations form the core actors of this initiative.