The international project PROINCOR was established with the objective to improve the innovation environment in the sector of small and medium-size companies and their performance in the Central Europe region via innovation audits and subsequent practical measures in the companies.

The project actively secures the innovation support for small and medium-size companies in the corridor formed by the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea by decreasing economic differences between Eastern and Western regions.

The vision of the PROINCOR project is to prepare the way for forming the innovation corridor along the former division line of the “Iron Curtain”. This international project is supported from the Operational Programme National Cooperation – Central Europe and it is co-financed from the European Fund for Regional Development. Bautzen Innovation Centre from Germany is the leading partner. There are 9 project partners involved in the project (2 from the Czech Republic – BIC Innovation z.s.p.o. Brno and ARR-Agentura regionálního rozvoje spol.s.r.o. Liberec, 2 from Poland and partners from Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and Italy).

The project objective is, above all, the strengthening of the competitiveness of small and medium-size companies, their performance and innovation potential. It is achieved owing to the cooperation with local and national technological and innovation centres, universities, research institutions and development institutions, applied science institutions, chambers of commerce, regional development agencies and developers.

The project is based on the active approach – the companies are selected and then addressed with the offer of carrying out innovation audits. According to the unified methodology, the innovation audits are carried out according to the de minimis rule, where existing problems preventing the greater innovation performance are specified and measures for their overcoming or lessening are identified and thus the strengthening of the innovation performance occurs. Our innovation advisors conduct these audits in the companies. The leading European experts train these advisors and they meet every 6 months to assess the innovation audit methodology.

The project was carried out in the period starting April 1 2010 and ending March 31 2013. The total project costs are approximately cca 3 mil. EUR.

Advantages for you:

  • Improving your ability to innovate, carry out your ideas and prepare the way to subsidies and new project partners;
  • The innovation audit will be conducted in cooperation with the innovation advisor of the project PROINCOR;
  • We will help you to implement appropriate measures;
  • Your personal innovation advisor will help you to carry out the innovation programmes.

If it is the case of having any good idea in your company but there is a lack of the right partners or if you look for a support programme for your specific needs or innovation revitalization, the programme PROINCOR offers a solution to this situation.

PROINCOR is a network of 10 business incubators, technological centres and regional development agencies in 7 European countries supporting the innovation activities of small and medium-size companies.

You can find mutual objectives for example in the improvement of your innovation capacity, carrying out your ideas and finding a way to subsidies and partners of new projects and also in many other areas.

Our offer:

  • Assessment of your innovation potential and formation of appropriate measures for improvement
  • Comparison of your company in the national and European context from the perspective of innovations
  • Extending opportunities for market employment and determining higher objectives owing to carrying out of new innovation project

And all that within the PROINCOR project free of charge!

Thus, do not hesitate to contact our company. You can get the answers to all your questions regarding the area of innovation and company development from our innovation advisors.

You can also find more information at the official web pages of the PROINCOR project.