Call for Expression of Interest directed towards European players from the digital ecosystem to identify those companies and entities that are interested in applying their solutions to the tourism ecosystem and offer their training and advisory services to the tourism SMEs. These entities will be encouraged to register on the project B2B platform in view of cooperating with tourism SMEs receiving support through the two voucher schemes (List of digital sector companies/ entities registered on the project B2B platform). The Call for Expression of Interest will be in accordance with the main application criteria for the voucher scheme.
Companies and entities that are interested in collaborating with tourism SMEs in the areas explained previously can register by filling out a registration form on the project B2B platform.
This Call for Expression of Interest is launched to identify companies and entities that are interested in applying their solutions to the tourism ecosystem. It serves to register to the B2B platform in the DIGITOUR project. Companies and entities could register until the 16th of October. This Call for Expression of Interest is open to any legal entities based in an EU member state or third-country participating in the COSME programme.
From the 26th of September 2022 (12 p.m., Brussels time) to the 16th of October (11.59 p.m., Brussels time)
Companies and entities providing technology and innovation value that could be applied to the tourism ecosystem, including the following possibilities:
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
- Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
- Customer relationship management (CRM)
- Booking platforms
- Digital advertisement
- Website builders
- Geolocation
- Digital Identity verification
- Cloud-based storage service
- Digital concierge
The companies and entities that are interested in the project can be any legal
entities independent of their size based in an EU member state or third-country
participating in the COSME programme.
The companies and entities will be considered eligible for DIGITOUR if it complies with ALL the following rules:
- has not been declared bankrupt or have initiated bankruptcy procedures.
- has no convictions for fraudulent behavior, other financial irregularities, unethical or illegal business practices.
- is not under liquidation or an enterprise under difficulty accordingly to the Commission Regulation No 651/2014 art. 2.18.
It is an opportunity to be insert in the list of the providers. By participating in the call for interest you will become part of a list of suppliers who support the tourism companies in innovation and digitisation projects. The DIGITOUR project will make available 2 types of vouchers: voucher 1 of € 1,000.00 (including VAT) and voucher 2 of € 20,000.00 (including VAT) to realise these projects.
Companies and entities that are interested in collaborating with tourism SMEs in the areas explained previously can register by filling out a registration form on the project B2B platform The registration can be done electronically until 16th October 2022. The published information will be reviewed by the DIGITOUR consortium and the companies and entities that register might contacted to follow-up.