Regional overview for CCI sector in the Czech republic

The Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) of the Czech Republic is a strength that seamlessly combines a rich historical fabric with a modern and innovative approach. The national commitment to creativity is not only a cultural issue, but also a strong economic driver.

In terms of revenue, CCIs in the Czech Republic have seen significant growth and contribute significantly to the country’s GDP. The digital sphere, including virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), has emerged as a leader, with innovative technological solutions captivating global markets.

Government support, reflected in cultural grants exceeding €75 million, underscores the strategic importance of CCIs to the national economy. Job opportunities within CCIs have increased sharply, reflecting the dynamism of the sector. From film festivals to music events, CCI is a key employer that provides jobs to a variety of skilled professionals.

The growth of this sector is not only a cultural enrichment but also a driver of the country’s economic prosperity. In percentage terms, the CCI’s contribution to GDP is a solid 4.5%, highlighting its key role in shaping the economic environment.

This integration of cultural wealth with economic prowess positions the Czech Republic as a world leader in the cultural and creative sector, making it an exciting space for artistic endeavors and entrepreneurial ventures alike.