
We operate Europe´s digital, green and creative transformation

Activating the transformative potential of cultural and creative industries and sustainable tourism in boosting the twin green and digital transition for the competitiveness of Central Europe

About the project

Cultural and creative industries are under presssure to change and become greener. However, many companies lack internal capacities for transforming their business models. The Capacity2Transform project develops an innovative business support scheme that will systematically help companies to adapt and bring more sustainable products and solutions to the market. In this cooperative process, the project connects businesses, training insitutions, research organisations and policy makers.

Duration of the project:

Start date: 03/2023 & End date: 02/2026

Challenge: Capacity2Transform operates across Central Europe, focusing on the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) and sustainable tourism sectors. The challenge is to integrate these sectors into the digital and green (DG) transition to boost regional competitiveness.

Main problem: The CCIs and sustainable tourism SMEs lack the technical and management skills necessary for participating in DG transition actions.

Proposed solution: Capacity2Transform will develop a comprehensive capacity-building program to upskill these sectors, enabling them to contribute to and benefit from the DG transition.


  • Strategies for upskilling and creating the digital, green and creative support structure within entrepreneurial environments

Strategies developed by the project partnership, that describes the steps needed to be taken by the supporting organisations, regions and policy makers for: 1) upskilling in the deficitary fields of smart specialization (management skills, creativity skills, lack of knowledge in digital and green technology) and 2) transforming the supportive environment to foster digital-green-creative transformation and promote the underrepresented digital, green products /services.

Type of output: Strategies and action plans (in development)

Capacity building strategy for digital-green-creative transformation

Strategy for transforming the supportive environment to foster DGC transformation

  • TransformingCapacity compendium

The TransformingCapacity reference framework to support a shared, comprehensive understanding of digital-green competences for CCI sectors to connect with innovation ecosystems of Central Europe area promoting the digital-green transformation. It outlines the essential knowledge, skills, attitudes, and tools to take advantage of cross-border opportunities and turn them into social, cultural, and economic benefits. The focus is on improving entrepreneurial environments to encourage innovation driven by culture and creativity.

Type of output: Solutions

  • BuildingBridges compendium

The BuildingBridges reference framework guide on how to support green and digital technology transition in tourism value-chain and other industry value chains in Central Europe area. It includes transferability instructions of how the innovation cluster methodology including the digital-green-creative stakeholders can be applied by target groups in their own entreprenurial environments.

Type of output: Solutions

  • Knowledge Factory and Media Factory

Capacity2Transform’s Knowledge Factory connects people and organizations in Europe who are supporting development of entrepreneurial environments through transnational collaboration and knowledge sharing.

MediaFactory is a cutting-edge platform designed to produce and deliver high-quality content focused on the digital and green transition, promoting the transformative journey towards a sustainable future. As part of the Capacity2Transform project, Media Factory plays a crucial role in disseminating knowledge and innovative practices to a broad audience, including Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) and sustainable tourism SMEs.

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Project partnership:

  • Primorski tehnološki park (Slovenia) LP
  • Friuli Innovazione (FVG- Italy)
  • Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (Hungary)
  • BizGarden (Czech Republic)
  • build! (Austria)
  • Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy)
  • STEINBEIS Europa Zentrum (Germany)
  • University of Split, Faculty of Economics (Croatia)
  • IRI Centar Business Incubator (Croatia)
  • Center of the Creativity – Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Economics (Slovakia)

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